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Week 2/8 – 2/12

Week 2/8 – 2/12 2021 This week has been uneventful. I have ran into some issues transferring the initial $1000 to start the portfolio. Error on my part due to using the wrong routing number for my deposit. Uneventful but not wasted.   Portfolio Recap:...

The Trend Following Book That Changed My Thinking

The Trend Following Book That Changed My Thinking The first step to being a trader is to identify what kind of trader you are. Its often a struggle for some, as the many traders that came before me I’ve struggled as well. At the start of my trading career I...

Starting A $1000 Portfolio

Starting A $1000 Portfolio I’m starting this blog series that tracks the growth of a $1000 portfolio, well ~$1100 since I already had a $100 portfolio with TD Ameritrade. The goal is to showcase what is possible with the power of persistence and consistency. As well,...